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Wednesday, June 21, 2006

How To Solve Your Immediate Cash Flow Problems

Most new comers to internet marketing are lured with the promise of becoming wealthy in a short time with little or no effort on their part. However; the reality is much, much different. First they find that the programs they are promoting are either out of date or they are being promoted by half of the internet markets.
If these programs are by a big name guru they usually find that the programs are promoted through joint ventures by other big name gurus.

Meanwhile the clock is ticking and their startup funds are being spent with little to show in return.
What’s a fledgling internet marketer to do?

What’s a fledgling internet marketer to do?
The answer is in what is known as, “self funding proposals.”
Basically this is a program which you can promote and get paid as soon as a sale is made.
Some of the basic features of the, self funding proposal model are:
You must purchase the program first.
These programs are often for “big ticket” items; however there are some small ticket items available, more later.
You maybe one of many who are promoting the program.
This is your business but the creator of the program retains the copyright.
You get paid immediately; the buyer sends you the money.
Receiving your commission immediately, sometimes before the creator of the program is paid is what makes this an attractive option for the cash strapped marketer.
One small ticket program that fits into the self funding proposal model is,
Adsense Made Easy. It combines adsense and immediate payment.
A medium priced item that fits this model is Gold Calling.
A higher priced item is Coastal Vacations.

Unlike affiliate programs there is a greater financial investment in these products.
This often leads to greater commitment to these programs. The added benefit is that the buyer has use of the products and the rights to sell them.
One major benefit to the new person is these programs come with the usual promotional tools such as banner, text ads and e-books, more importantly they come with training on the phone and over the internet. They receive greater support from the merchant than the average affiliate program.

Quicker Returns
With the invention of Google Adwords it is now possible to start a business with the Self Funding Proposal model, SFP, and be getting paid the same day. As stated previously the level of support for these programs is much greater. This includes training and complete Google Adword advertising campaigns for the products. Some of these SFP programs have their own closing centers they will close your sales for you. For the new person not strong on closing sales this can prove to be an invaluable benefit.

Another Solution
Another solution for your immediate cash crunch is to secure a loan from friends and family. These can be a low pressure obligations, by that I mean the terms of the loans can be more favorable to you. These can even be converted to investments in your online business. That move signals a greater degree of commitment to your online ventures.

Yet Other Solutions
Other sources of quick loans are CITI Financial and Wells Fargo. Some new internet marketers have used a combination of these methods to start their online businesses with varying degree of success. When using these two sources to finance your SFP business care and discipline must be exercised: 1) not to borrow too much and 2) to repay the loan as soon as possible. Why? Glad you asked. The interest rates on these types of loans can be higher than what you would pay at the regular bank. Do not get carried away by the possible quick returns of your SFP business.

It is estimated that 95% of internet businesses will fail. One of the main reasons is the lack of cash; even though it is cheaper and quicker to start an online business the realities of the business world still intrudes. The Self Funding Proposal model places the odds more in your favor. Others have been successful in using this model along with various combinations of financing and so can you.

About the author:
Mr Philip McDonald has published several websites dealing with laser printers, internet marketing and travel.
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