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Sunday, September 03, 2006

Internet Marketing Tool That Is Free And Actually Works

1 Internet Marketing Tool That Is Free And Actually Works by Manny C. Lourenco
When I owned my advertising company, the biggest, single logical reason people failed, from my observations, was because they did not know how to bring in solid business to their small business operation.
And it got worse ... because they did not know how to drive people into their business - they fell into the same trap most do.
Depending on other means to help. For example:
A. Buying leads from a broker
B. That then leads into "taking on a position of chasing after sales"
The simple solution for not falling victim to this mode of weakness is to learn just 1 simple skill that is going to forever change your life.
This 1 simple marketing tool is... The art of being able to write simple, one page letters that actually turn into world class intelligent articles. The way to master writing simple letters that turn into articles at a level of never having to depend on anyone again is exactly as follows:
1st - Sit down and just think about a very powerful proven benefit that you know your specific niche market would benefit from.
2nd - Now before you start this personal letter it is very important to keep things simple. Get yourself into the mode where you're actually pretending that you're writing a personal letter to your best friend, wife or someone close. Be yourself completely in this letter.
3rd - Just express in a very short letter a particular benefit that your friend can enjoy that happens to be in the same line of work as you.
4th - At the bottom of your article let people know about a free report they can get that goes even deeper into the benefit that you just gave.
That's it!
Many things happen when you take on this position in business.
One of the most powerful things is the fact that you're actually coming across as a person who is an asset rather than just another salesman peddling lotions and potions.
If you carefully look at the worlds top players online many embody this exact process with a just few (does not take many) personal letters every single week. The rewards are extreme and life changing for anyone.
The key is not to be lazy, PERIOD. If you can't take 30 minutes (or how ever long it takes) to give your prospects (marketing leads or customers) a free report or some kind of benefit right up front for free then more than likely you don't have a passion towards your craft.
So then why should anyone else take you serious, right? Right...
As you know, there are dozens of marketing tools you can apply to grow.
However, the most powerful ones that really work are the tools that bring you in laser targeted traffic.
Learn more...
Grab 15 live audios for free from some of the top money earners currently online. The Free Audios are in our Blog section on our main site http://www.energyteam.ws/
Keep in mind --- They're all being asked the same question, "What is the single most powerful marketing tool you're currently using to drive in unlimited business?"
3 of the 15 masters have nailed over 1 billion dollars in sales.

Manny C. Lourenco, Marketing Strategist
About the Author
Manny C. Lourenco is a consultant based in Naples, FL. His specialties include Marketing Strategy, Copywriting, The Sales Process online and offline, Creativity and Innovation Management. He has consulted in many different Marketing industries and for clients such as Ford, Chevy, Toyota , Amazon, Ebay and small companies globally. He is passionate about boating and traveling. He can be reached at http://www.energyteam.ws/

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