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Saturday, August 12, 2006

Let's Get One Thing Straight About Being A Published Author

Let's Get One Thing Straight AboutBeing A Published Author (c) by Jim Edwards and David Garfinkel - All Rights reserved-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Just for fun, evaluate the following statement: "Most people want to write a book and get it published, butthat's simply impossible 99% of the time."Is the above statement true?Not exactly. What's true is that most people THINK theycan't write a book and get it published.

And while that's a widely-held belief, just the opposite istrue.In fact, it's easier to write and get published today thanever before - especially thanks to the ebook "revolution."The field of ebooks is literally wide open for all who areinterested - including, perhaps, you!What does it take to write and publish your own ebook?Three things:1) A TOPIC you are interested in that others would also liketo know more about.2) The DESIRE to get the ebook written (note - you can writeit yourself, but you don't have to. There are other provenand simple ways to get your ebook written and published foryou.)3) A simple, one-page, "sales letter" WEB SITE to sell theebook.

Does it take a lot of money or any special aptitudes? Oddly enough, not really. You have to be willing to takeaction, certainly, and learn as you go, but there are nospecial educational, financial or talent requirements tobecome a successful ebook author. The truth is, it costs very little to get started. You canget a domain registered and online for as little as $9 tostart and $6 a month for website hosting. In fact, there are actually six ways you can create an ebookwithout ever writing a word of it - so you don't need to bea skilled writer. We'll tell you about one of them, in-depth, right now.Think of a topic you know something about that you'd like towrite an ebook on.

Once you have that topic in mind, then all you need to do iswrite a list of questions other people would pay to get theanswers to... give that list to a friend... have the friendcall you on the phone and ask you those questions... recordthe call... have the recording transcribed... and edit thetranscription! Presto - you've just created a "meaty" ebook fast! (Yes, it *really* is that simple!)By the way, if you don't want to transcribe or edit theebook yourself, you can get both of those things done foryou for surprisingly little money... as little as a fewhundred dollars, total, in many cases.That's how we wrote one of our most recent ebooks. As authors ourselves, we came up with a list of questions,got on the phone, recorded the answers, and had the entire 4 1/2 hour conversation transcribed. Using this phone call - transcription - edit route wecreated an ebook in about a week. It cost us a total of$163 to produce it. (We hired out the transcription, anddid the editing ourselves.)So far we've spent *zero* money on advertising and, as wewrite this article today, we've sold over $91,924 worth ofthat ebook in less than 15 months!

We're not unique in that way. We know many others who havesuccessfully published ebooks - including another smallpublisher who has uses this exact same method to createdozens of ebooks.If you can clearly understand a specific problem, want, needor desire of a large enough target audience and then createa publication that helps them get what they want, you standto make a lot of money and help a great number of people atthe same time.If there ever was a "golden age" of publishing, NOW is thetime. The truth of the matter is, today anyone can become apublished author with an ebook in less than a couple ofweeks. Between us, we have 15 ebooks online and we'remaking money every day, even as you read this.You can do the same. Opportunity awaits you right now.It's never been easier to seize the day and go for yourdream - become a published author!--

Jim Edwards and David Garfinkel are co-authors of "eBookSecrets Exposed," the authoritative resource for making alot of money quickly writing and publishing your own ebook. Guerrilla Marketing series author Jay Conrad Levinson says,"If ever there was a 'must-read' for this century, it's thisbook." For more information... Click Here =>

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