5 K Per Month

We provide tips on internet marketing, list building, marketing, website promotion, article marketing, press releases, website building, niche marketing and all things related to making money online.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

How to Profit From Your List

In my last article: The Money is in the List, or is it? I address
the three essentials for building a list. To read that article, go to my blog at http://5kpermonth.blogspot.com/.

Profiting from your list is the main reason why we create a list in the
first place so lets get started. Get your subscribers use to the idea that
you will be sending offers of paid and free stuff. Some of us marketers
shy away from the idea of selling, even if it is at a distance such as internet marketing. My position on that is, get over it. If you don’t sell
you’re not going to be in business very long. That’s not to say that every email you send your subscribers is to make a sale, remember you’re there to help the members of your list.

Another caution is that the first offer you send to your list you will
probably find that you get a large number of unsubscribe, believe me some of the biggest internet marketers had the same experience. I’ve had the same experience, not that I am a guru, but I’ve had my share of failure and you will too.

Make Your Emails Viral:
How? Whenever possible send your list rebrandable videos or e-books. If you’re just starting out, look for programs that provide rebrandable promotional tools.
One such program is Keith Wellman’s, The List Fx: http://tinyurl.com/rvhv4.

Why rebrandable programs? Because whenever that video or e-book gets passed around your link will be on that video or in that e-book.
You could be benefiting from that circulation for months and months without lifting a finger.

Look for programs with up sells and which provide commissions on those sales. The above mentioned program meets the criteria, with such a program you get paid twice for doing the work once.

Build Your List:
One mistake I made when starting out with affiliate programs was to send customers directly to the sales page of the merchant. You can build your list by constructing an opt-in page which collects email addresses and names of your hard earned visitors. Then you send them onto the sales page. This way even if they don’t buy you can send them follow up emails for that and other products, this also builds your list.

Caution on the opt-in page don’t try to sell them, just pre-sell them.
To do this, just remind them of your experience with the program and let the sales letter do the selling. This implies you having the product you’re selling which is always a good idea.

Blogs are another way to profit from your list. Blogs are easy to develop and you can expand on your experience on using the
product you are promoting. In addition some free blog hosting companies now allow you to easily add Google Adsense to your blog.
Promote your blog to your list and ask them for feed back on the subject of the product. Because they already have an interest in the subject it should be easy to get them to the blog.

These are just two easy and cheap ways to profit from your list, I will be following up with more in the days to come.

To learn more about profiting from your list visit
http://tinyurl.com/rvhv4 .

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About the author, Philip McDonald, has been marketing on the internet
for three years, in that time he sold laser printers for as much as
$3000.00 per printer.


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