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Thursday, July 20, 2006

Mega Adsense Earners, the Seven Things They do to Earn Thousands of Dollars Each Month

The Google Adsense program is like winning the lottery. It has made it possible for the average person to earn thousands of dollars each month thereby replacing their 9 – 5 job.
Housewives, students, retirees and your everyday Joe are setting up websites and blogs pertaining to their hobbies and are placing Google Adsense ads on them, resulting in thousands of dollars earned each month, in some cases.

There is however; another branch of Adsense earners, they are the “Mega Adsense” earners. Some you have not heard of because they toil away in obscurity and prefer it that way. Others, their names are plastered over the internet, showing proof of their Adsense earnings. Now keep in mind these mega earners in some cases are no smarter than you or I, they don’t work any harder or are not luckier than you or I.

What Separates The Mega Adsense Earners From Us?
listed below.

1) They choose wide niches for their sites. What this does is allow them to go deep and wide with their site. What do I mean by deep and wide? I mean they choose subjects that are broad enough that can be subdivided into various categories. Example, printers, this topic can be broken down into: laser printers, Bubble jet printers, inkjet printers and dot matrix printers. Laser printers can be further broken down into different brands of printers. Example Canon laser printers, Hewlett Packard laser printers, Lexmark laser printers and other brands of laser printers. Canon, Hewlett Packard and Lexmark laser printers can be further subdivided into color laser printers and black and white laser printers. Color laser printers and black and white laser printers can be further broken down into 8.5 x 11 color laser printers and 11 x17 color laser printers. Black and white laser printers follow the same models. That is 8.5 x 11 black and white laser printers and 11 x17 black and white laser printers. That is just the laser printers. Now you can subdivide the bubble jet and inkjet printers into their various brands and models. You get the picture. The great thing about this is that you can develop a site for each broad type of printer and then link the various printers together thereby improving the search engine ranking of each site. The great thing about the different brands is that the companies Canon, Hewlett Packard and Lexmark each have specifications and reviews of their printers on their websites, making it easy to get content. This is one of the mega earners strategies.

2) The mega earners stick to the KISS principle. Keep It Simple Son. They shy away from mixing adsense sites with sites that sell products. By separating adsense sites and sales sites gives a better opportunity to optimize your site for Google adsense. Products for sale and your adsense ads do not compete. Your adsense sites are to inform not to sell. Google will match the content of your site with available adsense ads. The mega earner knows that if you are informed by his/her content site and the adsense ads are properly matched they will earn money by you clicking on that adsense ad. They also know that if they mix products for sale and adsense ads and you click on a product for sale but don’t purchase it he/she makes no money. So by keeping it simple they make money from each click.

3) The mega earners treat their adsense sites as a business, they invest in it in the form of tools to automate the various processes and they invest their time. Time to find new tools and more efficient ways of building websites. Like any business they put systems in place which make the business grow and flow more smoothly. One thing that allows your adsense business to grow is, knowing what accounts for your success or failure, this means having to track your results. By knowing what accounts for your success you can do more of what works and removing what doesn’t work. Mega earners build on their successes and get rid of their failures.
In real estate the mantra is location, location, location, with Google adsense its tools, tools, tools. Tools to automate getting traffic to your websites, tools to track where your visitors are coming from, tools to see which keywords are producing the most clicks, tools for keeping track of your earnings. The mega earners are no smarter, they don’t work any harder than some who are making just pennies a month from their adsense websites, they have tools that work and they use them. Tools, tools, tools.
5) As I am writing this report there is a baseball game on the radio and it reminds me baseball and Google Adsense are similar in some ways. If a batter tries to hit each ball for a home run he will strike out more often than not; however if he tries to put his pitch in play he is more likely to hit a single, a double, a triple or even a home run. If you try building sites with $100.00 keywords you are likely to build only a few sites this reduces your chances for success; however if you do your research and look for mid range keywords and develop sites around those keywords your success will be greater. Mid range keywords are more plentiful therefore the greater chance for success than sites built with high priced keywords. The mega earners know this and build mid range keyword sites.
6) Make your sites easy to understand and navigate. Putting lots of graphics on your site will drive your visitor to distraction and you to fewer clicks on your adsense ads. Remember the name of the game is to get your visitor to click on your adsense ads not to distract them. The mega earners know this and do what works.
7) The last point the mega earners repeat what works, they find the system which works for getting the most clicks and they repeat that system over and over. They treat it like the business it is. They know that building one successful site is good, but repeating the method over and over is true success.

How do you achieve Google adsense success? Do what mega adsense earners do.

Philip McDonald is the owner of
http://www.adsense-101.com Learn how to have your adsense site up and running today!
http://www.safelists.com/sl.php?id=186 advertise using the 1,000,000 credits you get when you join our safelist.
http://www.hypervre.com/?affiliate=13579 Get your free copy of our adsense site building software and start earning your share of the adsense dollars now.

He has written several articles regarding internet marketing. He build a successful online business selling laser printers and several Google Adsense websites.


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